Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I hate online ads. This particular one is disturbing. It is animated and the presidents actually dance (this is only a jpeg so my guys are just posing, trust me, I'm doing you a favor). I don't know what a tap dancing George Washington or Abraham Lincoln has to do with selling car insurance but they were dancing on my screen a few minutes ago. I've seen some bizarro ads online but this one takes the cake. The fact that somebody gets paid to design this crap blows my mind.
I think the worst ads are the ones advertising movies that hold your screen hostage for several seconds and won't immediately let you close them. They are almost always covering up what I want to read and they make me go bonkers (though that's not a long journey on most days). Apparently the concept, Less is More, went out the window years ago.
Monday, July 07, 2008

I know it's been ages since my last post. I'd like to say it's because I've been so busy living a wild and fabulous life but I'd be lying. I have been busy working my two jobs and keeping up with my Etsy shop. I've also been selling my fabulous goods at a cool little shop in downtown Renton, WA called Happy Delusions. I'm a little behind but I will eventually post pictures of my proud little space.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Yesterday was no exception. I was working on a printing job and all of a sudden the theme song to Baywatch got burned on my brain. FOR HOURS! It's not the worst theme song out there but it's not what I want in my head for an extended period of time either.
After work I went shopping for a few hours but it never left me. When I finally got home for the evening, I decided to look on itunes to see if it was available (I wasn't going to buy it, I was just curious). They did have it but not with the Hoff singing it. One thing lead to another and the next thing I know, I'm listening to David Hasselhoff sing Amazing Grace and O Holy Night. It was beyond horrible! I'm still shocked that my ears didn't start to bleed. There should be laws about things like this. If you aren't a good singer (or if you're marginally good but will never be great), don't desecrate beautiful songs and if you do, you should be jailed for years.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Once in downtown Seattle a couple of years ago a man who seemed normal enough asked me for the time. I told him thinking nothing of it and then he proceeds to tell me how his friend bought him a bus ticket to California and he tore it up. Then he went on some tirade about "the man." I couldn't get away fast enough.
Just once it would be nice to have an encounter with someone who shouldn't be on meds.